
The CRIC annual event was in hybrid form again in 2023 with some colleagues returning to Harris Manchester College and others coming in on-line.  This was our 10th Annual Conference and as geo-politics has changed dramatically since 24th February 2022, this year also saw important changes and developments in CRIC.

The annual Conference on the Resolution of Intractable Conflict in September each year is a very successful and eagerly anticipated calendar commitment for many colleagues around the world and so while the wider work of CRIC has been absorbed into the work of The Concord Foundation (www.theconcordfoundation,org) the annual conference continues to be held each year at Harris Manchester College, with little change other than the support in 2023 from the Changing Character of War Centre at Pembroke College, Oxford (CCW) and the on-going commitment and support of The Concord Foundation and the Global Humanity for Peace Institute at the University of Wales Trinity St David.

The character of war been changing, but this demands a change in the character of peace building too.  CRIC and CCW have been exploring the nature of these changes with other colleagues here in Oxford and also with CMI – the Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, based in Helsinki.  In the 2023 conference colleagues shared the work they had been doing through the previous year and their plans for 2023 – 2024 and beyond, and our theme was The Changing Character of War and Peace Making.

We were also delighted to partner again with the New England Journal of Public Policy to make selected papers and presentations available from this 10th Anniversary Conference. This link will take you to the newly published, June 2024 Special Issue with articles based on the CRIC 2023 presentations –

We are also very grateful to our colleagues at the Global Humanity for Peace Institute at the University of Wales Trinity St David who arranged and paid for the recording, editing and uploading of the videos of the presentations on our CRIC YouTube Channel –

We hope that you enjoy these on-line publications and that they help you in your work on intractable violent political conflict.


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